

GetUBetter is an app to help manage common muscle, bone and joint conditions. Working in partnership with the NHS GetUBetter puts you on the path to recovery and are with you on your journey 24/7.

GetUBetter provide personalised treatment to guide you through your recovery with exercise videos, advice, information and support. The app will guide you day-by-day through a sequence of exercises and tips to help you get better. When you are better GetUBetter acts as a prevention tool, helping you to stay healthy and pain free.

GetUBetter is designed and run by NHS physiotherapists and clinicians. Every feature is backed up with the latest research and years of clinical experience. The app has been developed with input from patients, clinicians, healthcare providers and carers. Your data is safe and private. GetUBetter adhere to the UK Government's code of conduct for data-driven health and care technology.

To be effective GetUBetter need to understand more about you and your condition(s). It takes about 10 minutes to register and complete a short questionnaire and will only be necessary once. Are you ready to start?

If so, click the link you'll need: 

Smart phone app: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/getubetter/id963066469

Web: https://app.getubetter.com/
