Help make Kingston an age friendly borough.
Kingston is home to 24,900 people aged 65 and over. In 20 years’ time, Kingston will likely be home to 37,000 people in this age group. With people living longer, it is important to make sure our borough is a place that meets the needs of all of us as we age.
As part of this commitment, Kingston has joined the UK Network of Age Friendly Communities, run by the Centre for Ageing Better.
The Age Friendly approach aims to ensure that everyone is valued, supported, and recognised in communities, with eight key areas to focus on which, when acted upon, can help to address barriers to ageing well.
We now need your help to identify practical steps we can take in each of these areas that will make a difference for people in Kingston as they get older.
We have already heard from many residents and organisations in a recent survey and focus group discussions about the age friendliness of our community and barriers and motivators to older people being physically active and socially connected in Kingston.
Come to our launch event on Thursday 9th May 2024 to hear about the results of our engagement and take part in discussions about what actions we could take to become an even more age friendly community. This event is for local organisations, groups and residents of all ages.